Biohack-Why we need Sleep

Tired of being tired? Do you know what that is doing to you? Sleep is one of the most important parts of our staying healthy. It affects it both physically and mentally.

What is Tired really doing to you?

Number one it’s going to affect your brain. Nobody needs a tired brain. If it’s tired you can’t concentrate, so you won’t do a very good job at anything you are doing, or you will start having accidents which can cause injury’s to your body. If your are tired, you most likely will be in a bad mood, that will affect your relationship with your family and friends and family. that in case could affect your marriage.

I look at Tired brain as really bad!

What does Tired do to the rest of the Body?

Memory Issues

  • The part part of the brain that helps connect the process and remember short and long-term memory

Trouble with thinking and concentration

  • Also lose your creativity and problem solving skills

Mood changes

  • If you are tired, do you tend to lose your temper quickly. Then the ball gets balling and many relationships can be ruined due to stress and temper caused from being tired.
Zelm will help you sleep and lose weight.


  • You’re tired, you’re drowsey
  • You are becoming to be an accident to happen.

Weakened Immunity

  • Weakens the Immune System, so here comes the cold, a virus, pneumonia, or something worse it would build up to.

High Blood Pressure

  • High Blood Pressures often for people getting less than 5 hours a night of sleep.

Risk of Diabetes

  • Tired, weaken state makes you more susceptible to Diabetes.

Weight Gain

  • The chemicals in your brain that tell you are full when eating. You gain weight the chemicals get out of whack.

Low sex drive

  • Too tired, is not uncommon to have low sex drive.

Risk of heart disease

  • Heart Disease bound to happen from high blood pressure and whacky chemicals.

Poor balance/coordination

  • As I noted before there is a better chance of injury because of sleepiness could cause you off balance.

Do you ever get to enjoy yourself if you’re to tired all of the time.

Best to start getting GOOD SLEEP NOW!

We need to be striving for a minimum of 8-9 hours per night. No you can’t catch up with the hours that you lost in the past. If read further great idea to help you out to get the sleep. Also if you need and if you need some help with weight. As I noted earlier could help you lose weight too.

First I would like you learn some about this great science that is out there to help you out. At the beginning I used the word Biohack! you need to learn more about this science so you can understand how Awesome use. Biohack! information can be found here.

Going to give you a little tidbit here: It is not a pill, it is not a yucky syrup someone came up with. These guys came up with this great idea. Little packet with liquid. Squeeze into your mouth after you snap it open or something you think it’s tasty in (it comes in Chocolate Strawberry or Red Velvet) I would consider cocoa.
