Unretiring at Home

unretirinng back to work

Unretiring at home doesn’t haven’t to be a negative thing. I’m a Seventeener (doesn’t that sound younger than a 77 year old person). I know at this age it is supposed to be my Golden Years. It was for a few years, then I lost my husband, in fact I lost my whole family and some of my friends.

Really this isn’t go to be a sorry story. Promise, I’m like Danielle Steele, she has made millions, because she knows how to write a good Happy Ending. Her heroine might have to go through a lot to get there, but she is tough and knows how to save herself. A person can’t always live as they hoped especially when the good news is people are living than they planned. Part might be that retirement funds just might last as long as planned. So what does a Seventeener do. We are living into our Eighteeners, that really makes the money tight. Well one option is go back to work to ensure their Golden Years stay Golden or at closer to Golden.

A different way to figure out the Golden Years.

    Let’s look at this opportunity

    I know what we probably don’t want to do:

    • Go get a 9-5 job (Been there, done that!)
    • Commute to a job (too much fun and costs too much)

    (what is the world is that or better yet, what it isn’t)

    Unretiring is the best thing to do

    Unretired Severteens
    • let’s start our own business and start working at home and we’ll get many of the benefits that we get as a retiree
      • no boss
      • decide how much I want to work
      • I can work any place I want (travel, decide to move to complete location if the current weather doesn’t suite you
      • No commute anymore
      • in most cases it will make your spouse happy that you’re at home more often for dinner
      • For sure the pets will be happy you home, especially the dog because you can take them for walks more often

    Unretiring will can make you money and will also save you money

    • won’t be most likely to eat lunch out
    • there won’t be car expenses (do you need 1 or 2)

    What to do as a Unretiring at home?

    I will be having fun working in a different way. There is a complete different Horizon now. I now can have totally different goals/dreams. This is my life not someone else’s business. Now I can go as far as I want. I can be a loner or I join a community. Of course both of them have their pro and cons. I loved my original job, but of course there were a lot of things I disliked about it.

    During Unretiring I get to reinvent myself.

    I know what I’m can do good and I know what things I don’t so good at. I can skip the not so good or if I’m working part time I can can taking classes and improve myself.

    Retirement and Unretiring at home is giving a person new options

    Both bring me more free time. Time to do things that I never could do before. Granted that is going to slow me down if I don’t have additional money that lets me enjoy the free time.

    I guess a person doesn’t have to be rich to be happy.

    Nice lunch with my friends
    Fine Wine Added to My Door

    But l think we all it helps if you have extra money beyond basics to enjoy during free time. Like seeing and going to new things. There is nothing that makes me happier than being able to afford to go out with friends to a nice lunch or dinner that includes a nice glass of wine. Or better if I had room where I live to provide a nice dinner for friends that includes Fine Wines from my Wine Ambassador Membership. Th is memberhip not only brings wine to your door, but you will also become educated about the wine you drink. You will enjoy it more and understand how to pair with your food. Your friends will envy how educated you are. With that you can ask them to join and if you have 3 people join you will receive you wine free every month. or 1 person 1 month, 2 get 2. Isn’t that just awesome. Fine wines FREE. And they are truly are fine wine. When you receive your first delivery you will be in awe!