Good Morning Weight loss Coffee for that guilt free relaxing evening glass of wine!

Weight loss can happen when you drink your beloved morning coffee.

Who would have thought! Coffee could help shrink my waistline!

Even during weight loss, it is said ‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day’, also most people will say the ‘Coffee is the most important part of breakfast. What else can wake me up better than my coffee, what more can ask of it than for it to help you reach weight loss goals.

If you are trying to lose weight, coffee could also provide the means of helping you shed those unwanted #’s. Now that is a great way to start the day, even better than you ever thought, Right? This Amazing Coffee not only helps you with weight loss, but also tastes good. You can select in Slim Roast Optimum Dark Roast, Slim Dark Roast Italian, and Slim Roast Brazilian Dark Roast.

We all know how hard weight loss is. What is the secret that this coffee is bringing.

No matter which coffee you select it will have ingredients that provide
these be wonderful additions to your weight management program. They are Formulated with :

You will be surprisingly pleased when you taste the SlimRoast Dark Coffee, no matter which type you select. Using these coffees in your weight management will provides excellent results, such as:

  • Controls appetite
  • Regulates sugar absorption
  • Regulates fat absorption
  • Promotes brain health and focus
  • Elevates mood
  • Antioxidant

Weight loss isn’t fun.

Weight loss isn’t fun.  People are looking for a simple Weight Loss.  What can be easier than drinking 2 cups of an Amazing Weight Loss Coffee?

My Story with Weight Loss

The Beginning – Not good, like many people’s

I’ll be up front with you, I currently do not have a major overweight problem, however my life has been a struggle with weight. 

I was overweight when I was young and it fluctuated throughout my life.  No, not really me – I had Blond hair.

My health problems did not help it because there were long periods I was taking drugs at pretty high doses that naturally added weight on me.  It was pretty much a no win situation.  Well that’s my tale of woe.  Well over 50#’s overweight on a small frame, with health problems.   

So why don’t I have all of that weight now

This is not a tale of greatness.  No I didn’t find a miracle that helped me lose the weight.  I continued to have health problems and one of the drugs that I was given did not agree with me, nor did the next, and next.  All of which caused me to lose weight.  Getting to the point of dangerous.  Finally the right one was found.  I finally found the thin me, who had been trying to come out all of those years, but I had to go through hell to find me.

Where am I today

INow I am at a reasonable weight, though some say I am too thin (but that is coming mostly from those who knew when I was overweight.

Of course I am now very paranoid that I might gain all of that weight back.  I can’t afford to, I have spent a fortune on size small clothes.  Also I am not a good dieter, I proved that in the past and I don’t need that stress.  I don’t think any of us need the stress to worry about what we are going to be eating all day long.  

What is the perfect solution for me

I’ll never diet again!

Now this amazing weight loss coffee is my Go To Saver, to ensure I do not regain that weight. I am so happy, if I see that scale edging up, instead of going into a panic figuring out what diet I need to go on to get it off. Instead, my morning coffee ritual goes back to SlimRoast Brazilian Coffee with a scoop of Keto Creamer. I have a product that is providing a sensible, safe way to help me.  What excites me the most, I don’t feel like I am dieting.  It so much easier to just focus on a sensible diet and I naturally eat less.

I have found the solution to our daily struggles with food and weight with this amazing weight loss coffee.  You don’t have to go through what I had to go through.  I wish this coffee was around this amazing coffee 10-20+ years ago.  I currently do not have a weight problem, but I had so many years of struggling with my weight. 

It scared me, 2 cups of coffee a day (I’ve always been a one a day gal)

I was pleasantly surprised.  Yes it gave me a little extra energy (which I can’t complain about (more like keeps me more alert), but I do not get the jitters.  What it does do, I find my portion control to be much easier to control and less cravings for a snack.  Focus on healthy eating and watching portions.  Make evening meals more special by adding an amazing glass of wine.

Am going to look at this coffee totally from my perspective,   Losing some, gaining more – now I have personally met people who have lost by drinking this coffee and Cocoa and even more amazingly have kept it off.  All of those years of struggling, I guess I was just in the wrong century.  At least now I know if I gain some weight I know how to take it off again. Not going to happen!!!!

Additional benefits I have found

I love to enjoy my life and one of things I have also recently learned to enjoy is wine.  Yes learned how to like wine (My wine story).  In the past I would have said no-no to a glass of wine, but now that I have that control over the eating it allows me to have the lifestyle I choose.  Which includes my glass of wine with dinner.

I think we all want to look good and also enjoy our life and if you are a lover of wine, don’t let your weight be a detriment to that enjoyment.  So be and enjoy your dinners with pairing with Fine Wines that are incredible.

I think finding this weight loss coffee has improved my lifestyle, I can get up in the morning and look forward to a delicious coffee that will help me maintain my weight or help me lose those couple when I overindulged at that special occasion.  I am more alert and it helps me focus on my goals of time management for my life Financially, Spiritually, Physically, and Mentally, instead of worrying about the struggles of maintaining my weight.

What If I’m not a coffee drinker????  No Problem!!!!!

We have something extra special Just for you!  Can you believe this?  They have a Cocoa that will also help you lose weight,  Now things can’t get much better than that.  I love Cocoa (you can’t beat chocolate) and now I have my nice relaxing time in the afternoon when I would normally be thinking about a snack.  Instead I get a TREAT of Hot Cocoa, especially is the winter when I need something to warm me up,

or in the summer my swith is to  Prevail Trim.

Wow, so yummy.  And definitely will help maintain weight once you get to your goal.

We all want to wake up and be excited to get on with the Day. To be Alert and ready to make a difference. For me I want to focus daily on my goals. Financially, Spiritually, Physically, and Mentally.  I don’t want to have to worry about having to lose over 50#’s again

With our Coffee – AMAZING stuff that helps you FEEL GREAT and LOSE WEIGHT. And those pesky INCHES around the gut, thighs, butt. You will want to thank me forever, as I am already thanking the friend that share this with me.

This coffee will cause weight loss without going on a strict diet, because it will naturally help you not want to eat too much.

This is a good time to move into the Reasonable Eating Lifestyle for Life.

I can’t say not to everything creamy or butter laden dish , but I do want to be healthy so I have learned to be reasonable. I try to eat quality food versus quantity, definitely I have learned to be more sensible which I have think most of us have already learned the hard way. You know, when we try to put our favorite pair of jeans on and no matter how hard we try they just won’t zip. And they would have looked so good with the top I already picked out.

Weight Loss Coffee has it’s benefits, it’s not a diet. It is a helper for weight loss

  • No need to exercise (but I personally recommend)
  • No need to be on any Special Diets, however as I noted it is time to become reasonable when we eat
  • We do not need to measure out anything.
  • No need to change our lifestyles around this.
  • Be set with a Scientific Wonder that allows us to literally eat cake and lose weight!

Life is stressful enough.

The JOB, the Family, the bills…

OH… if you need help with the bills… be sure to check out the Business Side of how we not only lose the weight, but lose the debt! Information available as you get set with your order of Coffee, and you will be able to reach out to me through registering – – – TO THE RIGHT OF THIS ARTICLE ======> to my email newsletter. You can reply straight to me, and we can discuss this further.