K-9 Health

K-9 health is as important as our own health. After all they are a part of our family and they provide us a lot of love and comfort. They deserve the best.


Exclusive, we want happy healthy k-9’s

it’s kind and you’ll NEVER want your pet to be WITHOUT! Prevail K-9 is what EVERY dog owner will want their pet to have…EVERY SINGLE DAY!

This is a a patent-applied proprietary manufacturing process that will help the red cells to work at a higher level. this break the cells to break down to a nan-sized electrolytes to allow faster absorption and to carry wherever needed in the pet’s body. Cells need oxygen and vitamins and minerals allowing more hydration.

Also know as “osmotic pressure” and “electromagnetic charge”. I have probably have oversimplified in my explanation! The main thing, it works!

More about K-9 Health from taking Prevail K-9

  • Just like we want to make sure we want to make sure we get all the Nutrients possible, we want the same for our pets. Prevail K-9 will ensure this happens. The healthier they get the more nutrients they will absorb.
  • So simple to use, no not a pill to hassle with, just for sprays in the water bowl daily, how easy can that be!
  • It won’t take long for your pet to start feeling the changes it will make

You will have Prevail K-9 Health!

When you use Prevail K-9™, your dog will feel more energy and an abundance of health like never before! Give your pet Prevail K9™ today and see just how good they feel!

Here comes more energy

Just plain healthier

  • Easy to share, based on your pets experience! (Big topic at the Dog Park!).
  • Patent-pending technology unlike any other in the world.
  • Global exclusive network marketing rights secured by Valentus.
  • Today’s average pet has what veterinarians call “sticky blood” that comes from everyday occurrences.
  • Why doesn’t your dog get good nutrients
  • Valentus has a ground-breaking technology so revolutionary that the results are visible under a microscope in just minutes

Why doesn’t your dog get good nutrients?

These will cause the red blood cells to stick together, preventing nutrients from properly absorbing nutrients (much like ourselves)

  • Eating table scraps, which might have fat or sugar
  • Medications
  • Vaccinations
  • Environmental Stress

What Dog owners are saying about Prevail K-9™

  • Valentus Prevail K-9
  • Testimonials

“My little dog Tysee who is 10 yrs old has been sick all his life with constant infections since he was 8 weeks old. He has always been skin and bones and never put on weight. My vet recommended he be put down due to his poor quality of life, after everything he had tried had failed to help him. I changed his diet but the real change happened after I started using Prevail K-9 and I noticed a big improvement in 2 weeks. He now comes running up to me wagging his tail, it wasn’t until I saw this that I realized with a shock that I couldn’t remember him wagging his tail before. And he is now starting to put weight on and even is getting a little tummy lol

—  Gina V., Australia


Prevail K-9™ – Ingredients

Polarized Water (RO/UV/DI/IC), Sodium (AS Sodium Chloride), Manganese (AS Manganese Sulfate), Silicon (AS Sodium Silicate), Iodine (AS Potassium Iodide), Copper (AS Copper Sulfate), Zinc (AS Zinc Sulfate), Potassium (AS Potassium Chloride), Boron (AS Boric Acid), Chromium (AS Chromium Chloride), Selenium (AS Sodium Selenite).

​When it comes to maximizing your best friends health, nothing performs better than Prevail K-9™.

​Manufactured exclusively for Dogs. Prevail K-9™ has been molecularly charged through a patent-applied proprietary manufacturing process to positively influence


the red blood cells at a molecular level inducing increased Osmotic pressure and Intra-Cellular Homeostasis.


For maximum performance, take 4 sprays twice a day. Spray in your mouth or drinking water.